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Global Diabetic Footwear Market Outlook 2021


Diabetes is a prolonged medical condition, which is caused by low levels of insulin in the body. A person suffering from diabetes is more prone to develop wounds, ulcers or lack of sensation in any part of his body, particularly in his feet. Diabetic/therapeutic shoes have evolved as a medical revolution as it aids in preventing the feet of a diabetic person from developing any injuries or wounds with the help of its unique design and therapeutic properties.

The global market of diabetic footwear is currently valued at around USD 15044 Million and is anticipated to flourish at a healthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.27% during the forecast period i.e. 2015-2021. . . .

Global Diabetic Footwear Market Overview

Diabetes is a prolonged medical condition, which is caused by low levels of insulin in the body. A person suffering from diabetes is more prone to develop wounds, ulcers or lack of sensation in any part of his body, particularly in his feet. Diabetic/therapeutic shoes have evolved as a medical revolution as it aids in preventing the feet of a diabetic person from developing any injuries or wounds with the help of its unique design and therapeutic properties.

Sample Charts

Total number of diabetic patients (age 20-79 years) in the world (in million) and Y-O-Y growth rate (%-percent), 2015-2021

Global Diabetic Footwear Market Size (USD Million) and Y-O-Y Growth (%-percent)

Total number of diabetic patients (age 20-79 years) in the world (in million) and Y-O-Y growth rate (%-percent), 2015-2021
Global Diabetic Footwear Market Size (USD Million) and Y-O-Y Growth (%-percent)

U.S. Diabetic Footwear Market Size (USD Million) and Y-O-Y Growth (%-percent)

U.S. Diabetic Footwear Market Size (USD Million) and Y-O-Y Growth (%-percent)

The global market of diabetic footwear is currently valued at around USD 15044 Million and is anticipated to flourish at a healthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.27% during the forecast period i.e. 2015-2021.

Global Diabetic Footwear Market Trends

The global diabetic/therapeutic footwear market would majorly be driven by the rising prevalence of diabetes (in 20-79 years of age group) in the world.

Apart from rising prevalence of diabetes, rise in spending on diabetes treatment is yet another major growth driver of the diabetic footwear market. The global spending on diabetes is projected to expand from USD 936 Billion in 2015 to USD 1,128 Billion by 2021. This rise in spending would definitely help the global diabetic footwear market in the coming 8-10 years of time.Regionally, Asia Pacific region is anticipated to witness the highest growth in the diabetic footwear market, with China being the largest market in the region followed by India during the forecast period i.e. 2015-2021. Growth in the aging population, strengthening economic condition, better GDP figures and increase in the per capita income are some of the major factors that would escalate the demand of diabetic footwear in the Asia Pacific region.

Global Diabetic Footwear Market Segmentation

The global diabetic footwear market is segmented on the basis of demography, which depicts that women have higher tendency to purchase the diabetic footwear than men. Owing to this tendency, the female diabetic footwear (68% share in 2014), occupies the largest market of diabetic footwear across the globe. However, owing to an increase in the total number of male diabetic patients in comparison to female diabetic patients in the world, there is a greater need of male diabetic footwear in the future.

In addition to demography, the market is also segmented by inpatients and outpatients and by retail distribution. The retail distribution is further segmented into on-line and off-line retail out of which, the on-line distribution channel is anticipated to have the largest share by 2021. The major reason behind the growth of e-commerce channels can be attributed to rising penetration of smartphones and high speed internet services like 3G and 4G in the world.

Global Diabetic Footwear Market Players

In contrast, lack of awareness regarding proper feet care in diabetic patients and lack of knowledge in terms of use of diabetic footwear is one of the major obstacles that hinder the growth of the diabetic footwear market across the globe.

DARCO International, Ortho Europe, Duna Srl, Thuasne, DJ Global, Hong Kong Grace Shoes, Dr. Zen Inc., Drew Shoe Corporation, and Podartis Srl are some of the major key players of the global diabetic footwear market.

1. List of Figures

2. List of Tables

3. Executive Summary

4. Research Methodology

5. Global Diabetic Footwear Market Size and Forecast

6. Market Segmentation

6.1 By Regions

6.1.1 North America U.S. Canada Mexico Market Attractiveness of North America BPS Analysis of North America

6.1.2 Europe U.K. Germany France Spain Italy Hungary Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) Market Attractiveness of Europe BPS Analysis of Europe

6.1.3 Russia

6.1.4 Asia Pacific India China Singapore Japan Market Attractiveness of Asia-Pacific BPS Analysis of Asia Pacific

6.1.5 MENA

6.1.6 Latin America

6.1.7 Oceanic Australia New Zealand Market Attractiveness of Oceanic region BPS Analysis of Oceanic Region

6.2 By Demography

6.3 By Inpatient and Outpatient

6.4 By Retail Distribution

7. Porter’s Five Force Model Analysis

8. Industry Growth Drivers

8.1 Rise in prevalence of diabetes in the world

8.1.1 Impact Analysis

8.2 Growth in the aging population

8.2.1 Impact Analysis

8.3 Increasing demand of customized diabetic footwear

8.3.1 Impact Analysis

8.4 Rise in spending on diabetes treatment

8.4.1 Impact Analysis

9. Restraints

9.1 High cost of diabetic footwear

9.1.1 Impact Analysis

9.2 Lack of awareness

9.2.1 Impact Analysis

10. Risk Analysis

10.1 Supply Risk - Medium

10.2 Demand Risk - Medium

11. Competitive Landscape

11.1 DARCO International Inc.

11.1.1 Company Overview

11.1.2 Products and Services

11.1.3 Key Financials

11.1.4 Recent News and Developments

11.2 Sigvaris

11.2.1 Company Overview

11.2.2 Products and services

11.2.3 Key Financials

11.2.4 Recent News and Developments

11.3 Ortho Europe

11.3.1 Company Overview

11.3.2 Products and Services

11.3.3 Key Financials

11.3.4 Recent news and developments

11.4 Duna Srl

11.4.1 Company Overview

11.4.2 Products and services

11.4.3 Key Financials

11.4.4 Recent News & Developments

11.5 Thuasne

11.5.1 Company Overview

11.5.2 Products and Services

11.5.3 Key Financials

11.5.4 Recent news & developments

11.6 Medline Industries

11.6.1 Company Overview

11.6.2 Products and services

11.6.3 Key Financials

11.6.4 Recent news & Developments

11.7 DJ Global Inc.

11.7.1 Company Overview

11.7.2 Products and services

11.7.3 Key Financials

11.7.4 Recent news & developments

11.8 Hong Kong Grace Shoes Development Co Ltd.

11.8.1 Company Overview

11.8.2 Products and services

11.8.3 Key Financials

11.8.4 Recent news & developments

11.9 Dr. Zen Inc.

11.9.1 Company Overview

11.9.2 Products and services

11.9.3 Key Financials

11.9.4 Recent news & developments

11.10 Supad

11.10.1 Company Overview

11.10.2 Products and services

11.10.3 Key Financials

11.10.4 Recent news & developments

11.11 Drew Shoe Corporation USA

11.11.1 Company Overview

11.11.2 Products and Services

11.11.3 Key Financials

11.11.4 Recent news & Developments

11.12 Podartis Srl

11.12.1 Company Overview

11.12.2 Products and Services

11.12.3 Key Financials

11.12.4 Recent news & developments

11.13 Aetrex Worldwide, Inc.

11.13.1 Company overview

11.13.2 Products and Services

11.13.3 Key Financials

11.13.4 Recent news & developments

List of Figures

Figure 5- 1: Global Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 5- 2: Total number of diabetic patients (age 20-79 years) in the world
Figure 6- 1: The U.S. Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 2: Number of diabetic population (in millions) in the U.S., 2010-2014
Figure 6- 3: Major causes of amputations in U.S.
Figure 6- 4: Canada Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 5: Total number of diabetic patients in Canada (age > 12)
Figure 6- 6: Total health expenditure (USD Millions) in Canada during 2010-2014
Figure 6- 7: Mexico Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 8: Total number of diabetic patients in Mexico (age 20-79 years), 2014- 2021
Figure 6- 9: North America Market Attractiveness
Figure 6- 10: North America BPS Analysis
Figure 6- 11: U.K. Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 12: Germany Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 13: Diabetes prevalence % in Germany (age 20-79) years during 2013-2035
Figure 6- 14: France Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 15: Total number of diabetic patients (age- 20-79 years) in France 2013-2030
Figure 6- 16: Spain Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 17: % of people (having diabetes type 2) suffering from other diseases in Spain
Figure 6- 18: Italy Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 19: Total number of diabetic patients (in millions) in Italy (age 20-79 years)
Figure 6- 20: % distribution of budget on diabetes by Italy
Figure 6- 21: Hungary Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 22: Belgium Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 23: Netherland Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth (%)
Figure 6- 24: Luxembourg Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 25: Europe Market Attractiveness
Figure 6- 26: Europe BPS Analysis
Figure 6- 27: Russia Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 28: Total number of diabetic patients (age 20-79 years) in Russia, 2013-2021
Figure 6- 29: India Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 30: Total number of diabetic patients (in millions) in India (age 20-79 years), 2007-2030
Figure 6- 31: % of types of foot ulcers in India
Figure 6- 32: China Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 33: Total number of diabetic patients (in millions) in China (age 20-79 years), 2013-2035
Figure 6- 34: Singapore Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 35: Japan Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 36: Total number of diabetic population (age 20-79 years) in Japan, 2011-2014
Figure 6- 37: % share of population according to age group in Japan
Figure 6- 38: Asia-Pacific Market Attractiveness
Figure 6- 39: Asia-Pacific BPS Analysis
Figure 6- 40: MENA Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 41: Diabetes prevalence rates by country in MENA, 2014
Figure 6- 42: Latin America Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 43: Australia Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 44: Australia Diabetic footwear market size (USD Millions) and Y-O-Y growth
Figure 6- 45: Real gross national disposable income per person (USD ‘000’) in New Zealand,
Figure 6- 46: Oceanic Region Market Attractiveness
Figure 6- 47: Oceanic Region BPS Analysis
Figure 6- 48: % market share by demography in 2014
Figure 6- 49: % market share by demography in 2021
Figure 6- 50: % of male and female diabetic population in the U.S.
Figure 6- 51: % of male and female diabetic population in Canada
Figure 6- 52: % of male and female diabetic population in Europe (age>25)
Figure 6- 53: % of male and female diabetic population in the United Kingdom
Figure 6- 54: % of male and female diabetic population in India
Figure 6- 55: % of adult male and female diabetic population in China
Figure 6- 56: % market share by inpatient and outpatient in 2014
Figure 6- 57: % market share by inpatient and outpatient in 2021
Figure 6- 58: Annual health spending (per capita) % growth in Germany
Figure 6- 59: % market share by retail distribution in 2014
Figure 6- 60: % market share by retail distribution in 2021
Figure 6- 61: % market share by medical specialty and street stores in 2014
Figure 6- 62: % market share by medical specialty and street stores in 2021
Figure 6- 63: Sales of online stores in the U.S. from 2014-2016E (USD Billions)
Figure 6- 64: Sales of departmental stores in the U.S. (USD Billions) during 2011-2015
Figure 6- 65: % share of online retail outlets in Europe by country in 2015
Figure 6- 66: E-commerce % share of total retail sales, India and China (2013-2017)
Figure 6- 67: E-commerce market size of U.A.E., Saudi Arabia and Egypt forecast to 2020
Figure 6- 68: E-commerce market size in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, forecast to 2019
Figure 7- 1: Porter`s Five Force Model, 2016

List of Tables>

Table 5- 1: Ranking of countries in terms of adult (age 20-79 years) diabetic population (in millions) in 2015 and 2040
Table 5- 2: Ranking of countries in terms of diabetes related health expenditure (USD Billions) in 2015 and 2040
Table 6- 1: Diabetes prevalence % in major countries of U.K. (2012-13)
Table 11- 1: DJO Global key financials (USD Millions), 2012-2014
Table 11- 2: DJO Global net sales by products (USD Millions), 2012-2014
Table 11- 3: DJO Global net sales by country (USD Millions), 2012-2014 "