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Global Planned Refining Industry Outlook to 2020 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Planned Refineries


“Global Planned Refining Industry Outlook to 2020 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Planned Refineries” is a comprehensive report on global planned crude oil refining industry. The report provides refinery details such as refinery name, country, and refinery operator name, with in-depth coverage on crude distillation unit or, CDU capacity and other major unit capacities for all planned refineries…

Total Pages: 308

"Global Planned Refining Industry Outlook to 2020 - Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Planned Refineries" is a comprehensive report on global planned crude oil refining industry. The report provides refinery details such as refinery name, country, and refinery operator name, with in-depth coverage on crude distillation unit or, CDU capacity and other major unit capacities for all planned refineries. The report also provides refinery capital expenditure outlook at global as well as regional level by year and by key countries till 2020. The report also provides comparison of key countries based on contribution to global as well as regional refining capacity. Further the report also offers recent developments as well as latest tenders and contracts at regional level.


- Updated information relating to all planned refineries
- Provides data from 2016 to 2020
- Information on refining, FCC, hydrocracking and coking capacities by refinery and country
- Provides operator information for all planned refineries
- Latest developments and contracts related to refineries across different countries globally.

Reasons to buy

- Obtain the most up to date information available on all planned refineries globally
- Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry
- Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong forecast refinery and unit capacity data
- Assess your competitor’s refining portfolio and its evolution.

Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents 2
1.1 List of Tables 8
1.2 List of Figures 18
2 Introduction 20
2.1 What is This Report About? 20
2.2 Market Definition 20
3 Global Planned Refining Industry 21
3.1 Global Planned Refining Industry, Overview of Planned Refineries Data 21
3.2 Global Planned Refining Industry, Total Refining Capacity 21
3.3 Global Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 28
3.4 Global Planned Refining Industry, Country Comparisons 32
3.5 Global Planned Refining Industry, Regional Comparisons 34
4 Africa Planned Refining Industry 36
4.1 Africa Planned Refining Industry, Overview of Planned Refineries Data 36
4.2 Africa Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 41
4.3 Africa Planned Refining Industry, Country Comparisons 46
4.4 Planned Refining Industry in Nigeria 48
4.5 Planned Refining Industry in Angola 50
4.6 Planned Refining Industry in Algeria 51
4.7 Planned Refining Industry in Mozambique 53
4.8 Planned Refining Industry in Cameroon 54
4.9 Planned Refining Industry in Morocco 55
4.10 Planned Refining Industry in Kenya 56
4.11 Planned Refining Industry in Tunisia 57
4.12 Planned Refining Industry in Cote d'Ivoire 58
4.13 Planned Refining Industry in Zambia 59
4.14 Planned Refining Industry in Ghana 59
4.15 Planned Refining Industry in Gabon 60
4.16 Planned Refining Industry in Uganda 61
4.17 Planned Refining Industry in South Sudan 62
4.18 Planned Refining Industry in Guinea 63
4.19 Africa Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 64
5 Asia Planned Refining Industry 83
5.1 Asia Planned Refining Industry, Snapshot 83
5.2 Asia Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 90
5.3 Asia Planned Refining Industry, Country Comparisons 95
5.4 Planned Refining Industry in China 97
5.5 Planned Refining Industry in Indonesia 99
5.6 Planned Refining Industry in Malaysia 100
5.7 Planned Refining Industry in India 101
5.8 Planned Refining Industry in Vietnam 103
5.9 Planned Refining Industry in Pakistan 104
5.10 Planned Refining Industry in Brunei 105
5.11 Planned Refining Industry in Myanmar 106
5.12 Planned Refining Industry in Cambodia 107
5.13 Planned Refining Industry in Mongolia 108
5.14 Planned Refining Industry in Turkmenistan 109
5.15 Planned Refining Industry in Afghanistan 110
5.16 Planned Refining Industry in Kyrgyzstan 110
5.17 Planned Refining Industry in East Timor 111
5.18 Planned Refining Industry in Tajikistan 111
5.19 Asia Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 112
6 Caribbean Planned Refining Industry 132
6.1 Caribbean Planned Refining Industry, Snapshot 132
6.2 Caribbean Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 133
6.3 Planned Refining Industry in Cuba 136
6.4 Caribbean Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 137
7 Europe Planned Refining Industry 140
7.1 Europe Planned Refining Industry, Snapshot 140
7.2 Europe Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 142
7.3 Europe Planned Refining Industry, Country Comparisons 145
7.4 Planned Refining Industry in Russia 146
7.5 Planned Refining Industry in Georgia 147
7.6 Planned Refining Industry in Estonia 147
7.7 Planned Refining Industry in Albania 148
7.8 Europe Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 148
8 Middle East Planned Refining Industry 170
8.1 Middle East Planned Refining Industry, Snapshot 170
8.2 Middle East Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 177
8.3 Middle East Planned Refining Industry, Country Comparisons 181
8.4 Planned Refining Industry in Iran 183
8.5 Planned Refining Industry in Iraq 185
8.6 Planned Refining Industry in Kuwait 186
8.7 Planned Refining Industry in Turkey 187
8.8 Planned Refining Industry in Saudi Arabia 188
8.9 Planned Refining Industry in Oman 189
8.10 Planned Refining Industry in United Arab Emirates 190
8.11 Planned Refining Industry in Qatar 191
8.12 Middle East Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 192
9 North America Planned Refining Industry 216
9.1 North America Planned Refining Industry, Snapshot 216
9.2 North America Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 218
9.3 Planned Refining Industry in United States 221
9.4 North America Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 223
10 Oceania Planned Refining Industry 245
10.1 Oceania Planned Refining Industry, Snapshot 245
10.2 Oceania Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 246
10.3 Planned Refining Industry in Australia 249
10.4 Oceania Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 250
11 South America Planned Refining Industry 268
11.1 South America Planned Refining Industry, Snapshot 268
11.2 South America Planned Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities 272
11.3 South America Planned Refining Industry, Country Comparisons 275
11.4 Planned Refining Industry in Ecuador 276
11.5 Planned Refining Industry in Brazil 277
11.6 Planned Refining Industry in Venezuela 278
11.7 Planned Refining Industry in Colombia 279
11.8 South America Planned Refining Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 281
12 Appendix 299
12.1 Abbreviations 299
12.2 Methodology 299
12.3 Disclaimer 300

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Refineries Key Statistics, 2015 28
Table 2: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Refining Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 28
Table 3: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 30
Table 4: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Condensate Splitter Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 31
Table 5: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Coking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 32
Table 6: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 33
Table 7: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 34
Table 8: Refining Industry, Global, Top 10 Planned Refineries 35
Table 9: Refining Industry, Global, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 36
Table 10: Refining Industry, Global, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 37
Table 11: Refining Industry, Contribution to Global Planned Refining Capacity by Country (%), 2016-2020 40
Table 12: Refining Industry, Global, Refining Capacity Additions Through New Refineries by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 40
Table 13: Refining Industry, Contribution to Global Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Region (%), 2016-2020 42
Table 14: Refining Industry, Global, Crude Distillation Unit Capacity Additions Through New Refineries by Region (mbd), 2016-2020 42
Table 15: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Refineries Key Statistics, 2015 43
Table 16: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 43
Table 17: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Coking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 45
Table 18: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 46
Table 19: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 47
Table 20: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Refineries, 2016-2020 48
Table 21: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Refineries, 2016-2020 (Contd.1) 49
Table 22: Refining Industry, Africa, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 50
Table 23: Refining Industry, Africa, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 51
Table 24: Refining Industry, Contribution to Africa Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (%), 2016-2020 53
Table 25: Refining Industry, Africa, Crude Distillation Unit Capacity Additions Through New Refineries by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 54
Table 26: Refining Industry, Nigeria, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 55
Table 27: Refining Industry, Nigeria, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 56
Table 28: Refining Industry, Nigeria, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 56
Table 29: Refining Industry, Angola, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 57
Table 30: Refining Industry, Angola, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 57
Table 31: Refining Industry, Angola, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 58
Table 32: Refining Industry, Algeria, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 58
Table 33: Refining Industry, Algeria, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 59
Table 34: Refining Industry, Algeria, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 59
Table 35: Refining Industry, Mozambique, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 60
Table 36: Refining Industry, Mozambique, Planned Coking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 60
Table 37: Refining Industry, Mozambique, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 60
Table 38: Refining Industry, Mozambique, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 61
Table 39: Refining Industry, Cameroon, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 61
Table 40: Refining Industry, Cameroon, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 61
Table 41: Refining Industry, Cameroon, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 62
Table 42: Refining Industry, Morocco, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 62
Table 43: Refining Industry, Morocco, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 62
Table 44: Refining Industry, Morocco, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 63
Table 45: Refining Industry, Kenya, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 63
Table 46: Refining Industry, Kenya, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 63
Table 47: Refining Industry, Kenya, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 64
Table 48: Refining Industry, Tunisia, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 64
Table 49: Refining Industry, Tunisia, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 64
Table 50: Refining Industry, Tunisia, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 65
Table 51: Refining Industry, Cote d'Ivoire, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 65
Table 52: Refining Industry, Cote d'Ivoire, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 65
Table 53: Refining Industry, Cote d'Ivoire, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 66
Table 54: Refining Industry, Zambia, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 66
Table 55: Refining Industry, Ghana, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 66
Table 56: Refining Industry, Gabon, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 67
Table 57: Refining Industry, Gabon, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 67
Table 58: Refining Industry, Gabon, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 67
Table 59: Refining Industry, Uganda, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 68
Table 60: Refining Industry, Uganda, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 68
Table 61: Refining Industry, Uganda, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 68
Table 62: Refining Industry, South Sudan, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 69
Table 63: Refining Industry, South Sudan, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 69
Table 64: Refining Industry, South Sudan, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 69
Table 65: Refining Industry, Guinea, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 70
Table 66: Refining Industry, Guinea, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 70
Table 67: Honeywell UOP Secures Contract From Alexandria National Refining & Petrochemicals Company (ANRPC) 82
Table 68: Forum Energy Technologies Secures Contract Worth Approximately US$20 Million From Egyptian Refining Company 83
Table 69: Technip Italy Along With SACE Signed A Joint Agreement With Middle East Oil Refinery (MIDOR) For The Provision To Modernize And Expand The MIDOR (Alexandria) Refinery 84
Table 70: Foster Wheeler France Secures Contract From Suez Oil Processing Company (SOPC) 86
Table 71: Axens Secures Contract From Assiut Oil Refining Company (ASORC) 86
Table 72: Honeywell UOP Corporation Secures Contract From Dangote Group For The Provision Of UOP Technology 87
Table 73: RusGasEngineering Group and Lengiproneftekhim Consortium Secures Contract From The Government of Cameroon 89
Table 74: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Refineries Key Statistics, 2015 90
Table 75: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Refining Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 90
Table 76: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 92
Table 77: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Condensate Splitter Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 93
Table 78: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Coking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 94
Table 79: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 95
Table 80: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 96
Table 81: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Refineries, 2016-2020 97
Table 82: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Refineries, 2016-2020 (Contd.1) 98
Table 83: Refining Industry, Asia, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 99
Table 84: Refining Industry, Asia, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 100
Table 85: Refining Industry, Contribution to Asia Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (%), 2016-2020 103
Table 86: Refining Industry, Asia, Crude Distillation Unit Capacity Additions Through New Refineries by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 103
Table 87: Refining Industry, China, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 104
Table 88: Refining Industry, China, Planned Coking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 104
Table 89: Refining Industry, China, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 105
Table 90: Refining Industry, China, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020. 105
Table 91: Refining Industry, Indonesia, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 106
Table 92: Refining Industry, Indonesia, Planned Coking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 106
Table 93: Refining Industry, Indonesia, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 106
Table 94: Refining Industry, Indonesia, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 107
Table 95: Refining Industry, Malaysia, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 107
Table 96: Refining Industry, Malaysia, Planned Coking Capacity (mbd), 2016-2020 107

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Refining Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 29
Figure 2: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 30
Figure 3: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Condensate Splitter Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 31
Figure 4: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Coking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 32
Figure 5: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 33
Figure 6: Refining Industry, Global, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 34
Figure 7: Refining Industry, Global, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 36
Figure 8: Refining Industry, Global, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 38
Figure 9: Refining Industry, Contribution to Global Planned Refining Capacity by Country (%), 2016-2020 39
Figure 10: Refining Industry, Contribution to Global Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Region (%), 2016-2020 41
Figure 11: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 44
Figure 12: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Coking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 45
Figure 13: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 46
Figure 14: Refining Industry, Africa, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 47
Figure 15: Refining Industry, Africa, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 50
Figure 16: Refining Industry, Africa, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 52
Figure 17: Refining Industry, Contribution to Africa Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (%), 2016-2020 53
Figure 18: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Refining Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 91
Figure 19: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 92
Figure 20: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Condensate Splitter Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 93
Figure 21: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Coking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 94
Figure 22: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 95
Figure 23: Refining Industry, Asia, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 96
Figure 24: Refining Industry, Asia, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 99
Figure 25: Refining Industry, Asia, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 101
Figure 26: Refining Industry, Contribution to Asia Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (%), 2016-2020 102
Figure 27: Refining Industry, Caribbean, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 141
Figure 28: Refining Industry, Caribbean, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 142
Figure 29: Refining Industry, Europe, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 148
Figure 30: Refining Industry, Europe, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 150
Figure 31: Refining Industry, Europe, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 151
Figure 32: Refining Industry, Contribution to Europe Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (%), 2016-2020 152
Figure 33: Refining Industry, Middle East, Planned Refining Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 178
Figure 34: Refining Industry, Middle East, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 179
Figure 35: Refining Industry, Middle East, Planned Condensate Splitter Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 180
Figure 36: Refining Industry, Middle East, Planned Coking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 181
Figure 37: Refining Industry, Middle East, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 182
Figure 38: Refining Industry, Middle East, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 183
Figure 39: Refining Industry, Middle East, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 185
Figure 40: Refining Industry, Middle East, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 187
Figure 41: Refining Industry, Contribution to Middle East Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (%), 2016-2020 188
Figure 42: Refining Industry, North America, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 226
Figure 43: Refining Industry, North America, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 227
Figure 44: Refining Industry, Oceania, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 254
Figure 45: Refining Industry, Oceania, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 255
Figure 46: Refining Industry, South America, Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 276
Figure 47: Refining Industry, South America, Planned Fluid Catalytic Cracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 277
Figure 48: Refining Industry, South America, Planned Hydrocracking Capacity by Country (mbd), 2016-2020 278
Figure 49: Refining Industry, South America, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook (US$ mil), 2016-2020 280
Figure 50: Refining Industry, South America, Annual Capital Expenditure Outlook by Country (US$ mil), 2016-2020 281
Figure 51: Refining Industry, Contribution to South America Planned Crude Distillation Unit Capacity (%), 2016-2020 282