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Iran South Pars Phase 19 Project Panorama – Oil and Gas Upstream Analysis Report


Iran South Pars Phase 19 Project Panorama, GlobalData’s latest release, presents a comprehensive overview of the asset. This upstream report includes detailed qualitative and quantitative information on the asset, provides a full economic assessment and reflects several parameters including (but not limited to) geological profile, asset development and specific challenges….

Total Pages: 22

Iran South Pars Phase 19 Project Panorama, GlobalData’s latest release, presents a comprehensive overview of the asset. This upstream report includes detailed qualitative and quantitative information on the asset, provides a full economic assessment and reflects several parameters including (but not limited to) geological profile, asset development and specific challenges. Based on this analysis, future outlook for the asset is presented with possible trends and related scenarios identifying upside/downside potential.


- Overview of the asset based on an analysis of the economic indicators
- Key financial indicators including Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return
- Review of factors affecting the economic outcome of the field including development overview, geology, challenges, reserves and production with qualitative perspective on of the overall assets life with GlobalData’s analysis on the asset’s future outlook
- Detailed production profile for the asset, giving annual output rates for each commodity produced
- Cash flow statements from our economic analysis of the asset including capital expenditures, operating expenditures and tax liability
- Individual valuations for equity holders
- Sensitivity analysis for asset value considering a range of factors

Reasons to buy

- Understand the economic and non-economic factors that affect production of an asset
- Benefit from an asset valuation derived from detailed research and modeling by our analysts
- Basic view of various scenarios and its effect on the asset for risk or strategy planning
- Utilize the quantitative and qualitative evaluation to ascertain trends within the region to inform decision making
- Identify economic trends of an asset to determine investment requirementsa

 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 1
1.1 List of Tables 2
1.2 List of Figures 2
2 Project Panorama 3
3 Project Update 4
4 Outlook 5
5 Asset Summary 6
6 Development Overview 11
7 Geology 13
8 Challenges 14
9 Reserves and Production 15
10 Economic Analysis 18
11 Appendix 22
11.1 Contact Us 22
11.2 Disclaimer 22

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Project Details 3
Table 2: Participation Overview 6
Table 3: Key Valuation Metrics 6
Table 4: Asset Valuation Metrics 8
Table 5: Cash Flow Summary 9
Table 6: State Take Summary 10
Table 7: Production Summary 16
Table 8: Production Data 16
Table 9: Project Cash Flow 20

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Annual Cash Flow 7
Figure 2: Full Cycle Expenditure And Revenue Split 7
Figure 3: Remaining Expenditure And Revenue Split 8
Figure 4: NPV Sensitivity 9
Figure 5: Percentage NPV Difference 10
Figure 6: Production 15