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Renewable Power Market, Policy Changes, January 2016

January 2016 saw a number of policy changes in the global renewable power market. In the Americas, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) reallocated funding amounting to $1.8m to extend residential solar incentives on Long Island. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a review of offshore wind power legislation….

Total Pages: 8

January 2016 saw a number of policy changes in the global renewable power market.

In the Americas, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) reallocated funding amounting to $1.8m to extend residential solar incentives on Long Island. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a review of offshore wind power legislation. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted to safeguard consumer choice in solar net metering.

The Sierra Club introduced the ReadyFor100 Campaign, for attaining 100% clean energy. Finally, Chile launched a tender for 2,896.42 hectares land for renewable energy development in Arica and Parinacota.

In Asia-Pacific, India witnessed a record low solar tariff rate. The Maharashtra government gave its consent to the solar off-grid policy, and the Haryana government announced its target of attaining 4.2 Gigawatts (GW) of solar installed capacity by 2022.

In Europe, Middle East and Africa, the 500 Megawatt (MW) wind energy auction in Spain witnessed low bids, and the government is now uncertain of achieving its 2020 Renewable Energy Target (RET). The Middle Eastern region is expected to auction around 2,000 MW of solar power in 2016. Morocco attained record low wind energy costs. Finally, in Portugal, the government launched Grandes Opcoes do Plano (GOP) 2016-2019, with a major focus on boosting solar energy.


- The report covers all policy changes across the globe for renewable energy technologies in January 2016

Reasons to buy

- To gain insights on the policy changes for renewable technologies across the globe and understand its impact on the market

Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 1
1.1 List of Tables 1
2 Summary 1
3 Renewable Power Market, Policy Changes, January 2016 2
3.1 Americas 2
3.2 Asia-Pacific 3
3.3 Europe, Middle East and Africa 4
4 Appendix 5
4.1 Abbreviations 5
4.2 Bibliography 5
4.3 Methodology 6
4.4 Contact Us 7
4.5 Disclaimer 7